
    The Ben Lui group, from Beinn Odhar.

    Loch Lomond, The Luss Hills and Ben Lomond.

    Bidean nam Bian, from Stob Coire Sgreamhach.

    The Black Mount and Beinn Dòrain, from Beinn Odhar.

    Ben Challum, from Creag Mhòr.

    View north from Ben Lawers.
  • The Ben Lui group, from the summit of Beinn Odhar.The Ben Lui group, from Beinn Odhar.
  • Loch Lomond, The Luss Hills and Ben Lomond, from Auchineden Hill.Loch Lomond, The Luss Hills and Ben Lomond.
  • Bidean nam Bian, from the summit of Stob Coire Sgreamhach.Bidean nam Bian, from Stob Coire Sgreamhach.
  • The Black Mount and Beinn Dòrain, from Beinn Odhar.The Black Mount and Beinn Dòrain.
  • Ben Challum, from the summit of Creag Mhòr.Ben Challum, from Creag Mhòr.
  • View north from the summit of Ben Lawers.View north from Ben Lawers.



Welcome to Scottish Mountain Landscapes! I am a keen hillwalker and amateur photographer, and over the years I have taken many photographs on my walks throughout Scotland. This website contains a selection of them.

This is a new updated version of the site. It still runs on the Joomla! content management system, but now with a new responsive template. On desktop PCs, the site looks much the same as before. However, the new template has improved compatibility with mobile devices.

The Photo Galleries


I've organised the photo galleries according to geographical area. Click on the links in the "Galleries" menu at the top of this page to access them.

In each gallery you can enlarge the preview images by clicking on them. If you wish to view all the photos in sequence, use the next and previous navigation buttons.

There are a few extra photos which don't appear on the gallery preview pages- look carefully through the galleries to find them. You can also view the extra photos by typing the word extra into the search engine.

The Photos


Most of the photos on this site are of mountain landscapes. However, Scotland also has some superb coastal scenery, particularly on Skye, and this is reflected throughout the site.

This is only a small selection of my photos. Watch out for new additions in the future...

What's New

New: Skye Gallery 2

Sgurr nan Gillean, from the summit of Am Bàsteir.

I've added a new gallery, covering the Isle of Skye. This is the second Skye gallery on the site. Skye is one of my favourite areas, and I've done many hill and coastal walks here, using Portree as a base. The area includes the Black and Red Cuillin, and the Trotternish and Duirinish peninsulas.

I've modified the site navigation slightly to accommodate this new gallery. The "Skye" link in the main menu at the top of each page now leads to Skye Gallery 1. I've added a dropdown menu on this page, with a link to the new Skye Gallery 2. There's a similar dropdown menu on this page as well.

New Images

The Three Sisters Of Glencoe.
The Three Sisters Of Glencoe.

Autumn morning in Glencoe: the Three Sisters.

View south-west from Beinn Fhada.

Glencoe: View south-west from Beinn Fhada.

View North-west from Creag Mhòr.
View North-west from Creag Mhòr

View North-west from the summit of Creag Mhòr.

View south-west from the summit of Na Gruagaichean.
View south-west from Na Gruagaichean

View south-west from the summit of Na Gruagaichean.

Sgorr na Ciche and Beinn a' Bheithir.
Sgorr na Ciche and Beinn a' Bheithir

Sgorr na Ciche and Beinn a' Bheithir, from Na Gruagaichean.

The Ben Lui group, from Beinn Odhar.
The Ben Lui Group

The Ben Lui group, from the summit of Beinn Odhar.




I hope you enjoy my website. If you have any comments you would like to make about this site, you can contact me directly using the contact page.

Please note that all material on this website is copyright Allan Webb.

Allan Webb, Glasgow, Scotland.

October 2024